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She dons a white robe and performs the ceremony. This story may be about how Grace begins to rediscover and play the role she left twintig years earlier.

The series begins when the Bishop's estranged daughter Grace Greenleaf decides to return to the family after 20 years ofwel self-imposed exile. Wij learn that she had been a preacher for the church but decided to end her clerical life and live among secular culture. We also learn that James Greenleaf had designs for her daughter possibly to succeed him as the main voice of the church during services.

If you regularly attend church, you can receive spiritual healing, confess sins, and be in communion with God or at least perceive that this is happening. The clergy ofwel the church facilitate your spiritual and religious needs and also acts as instructors, telling you, the congregants, what kan zijn right and wrong, sometimes claiming their advice kan zijn from Heaven.

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The Bishop is furious when the auditors demand the Bishop's personal tax returns. Mac, the new Memphis Man of the Year, kan zijn told to fix this. Mac's repugnant father, firmly unwelcome at the church, visits his son to wangle some money.

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A night-time soap take on an African-American mega-church in the Deep South kan zijn a novel approach to that telling the stories of people that click here have not yet been properly told in a fictional construct.

Lynn Whitfield, as always, holds her own as the matriarch of this family whose members seem filled with discontent aan the familial pecking order decided by their father. Oprah Winfrey is surprisingly okay as the family rebel aunt who wants to use her niece to bring down her shady brother.

She has returned to the family and to the church but at the beginning ofwel the story she has no intention ofwel standing at the pulpit and making grand religious-biblical pronouncements as she had 20 years earlier. Een momentje before she's stepped back into their house, Lady Mae tells Grace "not to cause trouble for their family". Zing. We know this reunion ofwel Grace with the Greenleaf family kan zijn going to cause trouble. Ofwel course if there wasn't trouble, there wouldn't be a show!

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But my praise ends there. A solid cast in an interesting setting largely goes wasted in teleplay scripts so inept that they look like film school dropouts wrote them.

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